The baccalaureate service for our Poca High Class of 2021 will be held Thursday evening at 7:00 PM at Rock Branch Independent Church on Cross Lanes Drive. The doors will open at 6:30 and seniors are asked to be downstairs in the church by 6:45. Seniors are to wear their gowns and cords, but no caps. We will be social distancing and students will be expected to wear masks.
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
CONGRATULATIONS ALL-CARDINAL CONFERENCE CHEERLEADERS! Courtney Graley - 1st Team Logan Holbert - 2nd Team Sidney Walls - Honorable Mention
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
2021 Seniors! Access to office 365 accounts for graduating 2021 seniors will be deactivated by June 15th. This includes products such as email, One Drive, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, One Note and any other office 365 product. Also, all Office 365 products that were downloaded from your school Office 365 account will be deactivated. Please backup any data you wish to keep that is associated with your Office 365 account prior to June 15th.
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
Any student wanting a proof of enrollment for the summer needs to submit it by 5/27 to guarantee it comes back before school is out. In-person students can fill out the form in the office. Virtual students can apply through the link on Schoology.
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
Audition for our STATE CHAMPION show choir, Visual Volume! Monday 5/24: Dance Auditions (will audition in small groups) Tuesday 5/25: Singing Auditions (30-40 seconds of a song of your choice) Wednesday 5/26: Make-Up Day 3:30 each day. Wear comfortable clothes and sneakers.
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
Photo of show choir on stage at states
Senior shirts that are paid for are ready to be picked up. If you haven't paid yet, your shirt will be ready later today or tomorrow. Shirts can be picked up in Mrs. Wright's room, 209. If you did not order a shirt, there may be extras available next week.
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
Senior 2021 graphic
The senior awards ceremony will take place Tuesday, May 18 at 9 am. Only seniors and their designated guests may attend. Livestream will be available at
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
Important information about SENIORS returning laptops and textbooks. Seniors who attend virtually must return their laptops, chargers, hotspots and textbooks May 20th and 21st from 8:30am to 3:00pm in the Auxiliary Gym. All in person seniors return your laptop, chargers, and hotspots to the library immediately after your last class or final exam. All devices and textbooks must be returned to receive a diploma. If you need any questions, please contact the office as soon as possible.
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
All underclassmen: Student council is taking nominations for next year. If you are interested in running for student council, please click the link in your Schoology class group. If you cannot find the link, message Mrs. Ellison and she will send it to you.
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
student council graphic
Congratulations to the 2021-22 PHS National Honor Society Officers: President: Savannah Harding Vice President: Christian LeRose Secretary: Maddy Harrison Treasurer: Quentin Ibarra
over 3 years ago, Poca High School
Student section tickets for tomorrow's AA Championship game will be available at the school today from 3:30 - 5:00 pm (or until sold out).
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
Student section tickets for tomorrow's AA Championship game will be available at the school today from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
See the STATE CHAMPION Visual Volume's last show of the season on May 16th. Tickets only $2.00. Purchase your tickets at:
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
Visual Volume logo
Good luck to our boys basketball team as they take on Charleston Catholic Friday morning at 9:30 am in the state AA semi-finals. The student section theme is Neon! Let's cheer on our Dots!
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
Dot logo with basketball players as background
Space/STEM Camp opportunity! Students in grades 8-12 are eligible. Visit for more information and to apply.
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
Image contains information available on space camp website (Link in main message)
Congratulations to our own Mrs. Rhonda Null...Putnam County's High School Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Null is a business teacher and DECA sponsor. She is passionate about teaching our students how business works. She is a beacon of positivity who radiates hope and joy at PHS!
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
photo of mrs null
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN....Presenting the West Virginia MEA Festival Division STATE CHAMPIONS: Poca Visual Volume! The choir also received awards for Best Costumes Best Show Design Best Choreography Best Vocal Sound Congratulations Visual Volume! PHS is so proud of you!
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
Photo of show choir on stage at states
Photo of three show choir members with trophies
Wishing Visual Volume the BEST OF LUCK in today's WVMEA Show Choir STATE COMPETITION! Sing and dance your hearts out and bring home a championship!
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
Photo of Visual Volume Show Choir
Order your boys basketball playoff shirt here: Orders must be placed by Midnight on May 2.
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
Photo of tee shirt
Need help with your FAFSA? WVJC will host a parking lot event at Poca High School on Wednesday May 12th 4:00 to 5:45
almost 4 years ago, Poca High School
Graphic of FAFSA